SKU/part: #C-1.1.012

Current Issue is only for use in parts washing applications. In a parts washer, remove
all the loose dirt and grime, spray the parts and then agitate by brushing. Then wipe
or blow dry. For soak tank cleaning, simply immerse the parts to be cleaned, allow
them to soak, then remove and wipe or blow dry. Current Issue® has a high dielectric strength of over 29,500 volts, a flashpoint above 140 degrees Fahrenheit and
non-corrosive, non-caustic properties, making it an ideal cleaner and degreaser.
Simply spray and allow the grease, grime and dirt to run off.

Product Features
Appearance: Clear Liquid
Odour: Citrus
Flashpoint: > 140F
Container Size: 1 US Gallon
General Applications

Parts Washer liquid for automotive, industrial and mining applications.

Mansour Symbol Primary

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